architecture landscape sculpture

core services

core services

We are chartered members of the Royal Institute of British Architects and Landscape Institute. We adhere to the RIBA Plan of Work Stages. As well as delivering highly acclaimed public and private buildings, we take immense pride in our landscape and sculpture endeavours; all our award-winning results stem from our holistic approach and research-driven practice, which intertwines nature, technical innovation, and place-making.

Our clientele spans public, private, commercial, and community-led sectors, with each project undergoing a bespoke journey through our unique Asking, Looking, Playing, Making design process. This process taps into community identity, values, branding, and culminates in site-specific solutions that are unique to each project’s people, place, and nature.


Stage 0 Strategic Definition
Stage 1 Preparation and Brief
Stage 2 Concept Design
Stage 3 Developed Design
Stage 4 Technical Design
Stage 5 Construction
Stage 6 Handover and Close Out
Stage 7 In use


Public realm and masterplanning
Community identity: Public and stakeholders’ engagement
Integrated street furniture, lighting, and planting design


Full technical/CAD drawings
Prototyping and model making
Liaising with relevant public authorities and planning


We also undertake and closely manage public engagement meetings, stakeholder and co-design workshops with leaseholders, planning authorities, neighbourhood forums, Historic England, local residents, local amenity societies, surrounding landowners and tenants.

other services and fabrication

Under stages 0-7, where appointed, we also manage and liaise with the wider project team and sub-consultants, many of whom we have collaborated with many times since 2003. We have established a strong network of trusted sub-consultants including: ecologists, horticulturists, hydrologists, lighting designer, fabricators (timber, metal, glass, and concrete) and bespoke manufacturing. For more specialist requirements, we draw upon our longstanding SME collaborators, artisans and creatives that we call upon for graphic design, way-finding, interpretation, parametrics, visualisation, VR designers, model making and photography.