architecture landscape sculpture

what's going on

The latest news from the Tonkin Liu studio, projects and competition updates.

Tonkin Liu attending FAB 2024 in Mumbai

Conference theme: 'L.I.F.E: Looking Inward For your Environment'
We will be journeying to India to take part in the Mumbai FAB Conference, followed by a trip to Ahmedabad, a city for architectural pilgrimages.

There are four Le Corbusier buildings: Mill Owner’s Building, Shodhan House, Sarabhai House, and Indian Cultural Centre (Sanskar Kendra) and one Louis Khan building - the Indian Institute of Management. In addition, the exquisite Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, Calico textile museum, Sangath studio by Doshi, and stepwells such as Dada Harir and Adalar will all be a real treat.

An architectural promenade into Le Corbusier's Mill Owners' Building in Ahmedabad; photography by Mike Tonkin.

We will also be looking forward to meeting with faculty and students from CEPT University in Ahmedabad.

Information about the biennales can be seen here:

Tonkin Liu